Featured Project
Geoff Kane and the Power of Belief
These brief comments on the power of belief are intended to help people regard all others, especially others who have issues with substance use and substance use disorders, some of whom their lives revolve around those substances, to get out of that painful cycle and regroup with people around them in a healthy way.
Featured Project
Youth Leadership Retreat
Featured Project
Beneth Sauer
Beneth Sauer needed to record a presentation for her MFA thesis committee. She wanted it to look good. Nothing fancy, just a good looking video shot in her home. We can do that too.
Featured Project
Stevens & Associates
Stevens & Associates taught an engineering workshop to DAn O’Brien’s fifth-grade class at Academy School in Brattleboro, VT. Our cameras were on hand to catch the action as students put their experimental models to the test against a model deluge! Spoiler alert: none of the models survived. None of the students minded the destruction.
Impromptu: Our Fun!
Whetstone Station Brewery is a popular brewery and restaurant located in Brattleboro, Vermont. Known for its craft beers and scenic location, Whetstone Station offers a unique experience for both beer enthusiasts and casual visitors.
Gallery Walk
Not all fun videos are planned. This was filmed while watching a band at a monthly festival in Brattleboro, Vermont called Gallery Walk. I just filmed some stuff with my Sony A7c and felt inspired to fire up the eiditor and see what I had. The audio is just straight camera mic. I don’t do this work for money. I need money to do the work, but the money isn’t the reason. If I hit the lottery I’ll give away all my work. Until then…
Biking Around Newport
Sometimes life invites a chance to film.